Birth Photographer | Columbus, Ohio

Home Birth Photography & Hospital Birth Photography

Doctor smiles under his mask while holding up a new baby that has just been born.

Eeeeek! A sweet little babe making their debut- it doesn't get much more awesome than that.

The space in which a woman chooses to give birth is somehow delicate, in need of protection, and simultaneously the site of the incredible strength of a birthing mother.  It's a bubble that requires invitation to witness some of the most surreal moments of life. It’s your day, your child’s day, your family’s day, your surrogates day, and or your adoptive parents day….so many lives are touched by the birth of a child.

My role is to document the raw emotion, grit, laughter, quiet, noise- the tiny details the weave together your birth story. The look on your partner’s face, the strength and vulnerability, the first earthside appearance of your new baby…these moments that are never repeated again in the same way.

This is your story, and your baby’s story- let’s preserve it together.

A mother holding her newborn baby in a hospital bed, surrounded by medical staff. The baby is crying and the mother is smiling.

Do you have a little one due soon? Thinking about documenting one of the most amazing and life changing events you'll probably barely remember? (Birth amnesia is real!) Let’s grab a smoothie and talk it over. I can answer all of your how, when, what’s and “will you take a picture of my…?” (Not directly, unless you really specifically want that shot.) Now is the time to get in touch- Ce Moment Photography has a limited number of spots for birth photography available per year.

If a birth session interests you but you’re not sure it’s right for you, consider a Fresh 48 session. A Fresh 48 is perfect for so much fresh-baby-goodness with the bonus of getting to run a brush over your hair (only if you want to. You do you.)